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Those who are Sirian starseeds tend to be very focused and very determined. The sirians have a warrior like attitude and are closely related to nature, they like to use technology that are friendly to nature. Sirians have high regard for honesty and integrity, don’t expect to be their friend too quickly. Like the hopi indians they are closely attached to nature and water. They are good at expressing themselves with the opposite sex. They are natural leaders with warrior like attitude; don’t like new ways, they love their old ways with nature; are ideal people with strong sense of humor, they love to mingle; love nature and attached to it; and don’t like dishonest people and never forgive those who are. If this resonates with you, this activation is recommended.

Due to miasmic blockages and its physiological effects on cellular coding, our genetic information becomes distorted. The more pronounced the distortions, the more necessary morphogenetic recoding is needed. Through the utilization of Maharic Infusion and bio-spiritual attunement, we can return our distorted coding back to their original template of health. A facilitator highly specialized in accelerated morphogenetic transmutation and accelerated Maharic frequency accretion is often key in the healing process. 

This session will consist of a full chakra scanning, realignment, clearing, and rejuvenation. Once the chakras are in a proper state, we begin the actual spiritual recoding of the pinecone/pineal gland. Old frequencies are displaced and purged, creating space for new coding and energy to be replenished. After the recoding, we awaken and reactivate Kundalini energies. This service addresses the 4 key systems in one session- CHARKA, KATHARA 12TREE GRID, KUNDALINI, MORPHOGENIC FIELD RECODING, ensuring the root of the matter is directly addressed.

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